Highest Rated Comments

Goodman210435 karma

Does it bother you that wall street bankers who steal/stole billions of dollars and are bailed out by congress with taxpayer dollars are free- with respect to your Mother's situation?

Goodman210431 karma

Honest question: Please explain to me the justification for the killing of innocent men, women, and children by the IRA in the name of?

Goodman210431 karma

Thank you for what you are trying to do and your incredible sense of humor. We need more people like you. I do not live in Florida and I am not related to you- serious props.

Goodman210431 karma

Who do you believe controls American middle east policy? Israel? 99% of average Americans want to be friends with the middle east- why does it appear that 99% of the average middle easterners want to be our enemy? Seriously. Nobody except our military industrial complex and corrupt politicians want the US military in the middle east.