Highest Rated Comments

GooseSlayer68 karma

So just in case anyone else is wondering, I called this. It is the number to a sex line.

GooseSlayer16 karma

What are your favorite subs on Reddit?

GooseSlayer12 karma

Do you think the prison system should focus more on rehabilitation of inmates or on a level of punishment that acts as a deterrent to future criminal activity?

GooseSlayer10 karma

I work in product quality testing for a different industry.

I am glad to see that as a manufacturer you understand quality is about systems and verifying the work you actually do before there is a problem. So many people see quality workers as the clean up crew. I am also glad that you see your limitations and the technological steps you need to make as you grow.

This is a rare quality is small manufacturing and even more so in industries with an artisan heritage.

GooseSlayer6 karma

During your time at the Daily Show, do you remember a time when your spoof and parody brought light to a serious national issue to the forefront of mainstream media? How did the comedic focus shape the national discussion?