Highest Rated Comments

Greasier16 karma

Is there any chance of Cracked returning to its former glory in the foreseeable future, or do you plan on keeping it filled with your brand of social justice bullshit?

Greasier6 karma

I heard you talking shit about mechanical pencils... Care to defend yourself? Or is it that you just can’t cope with the threat of your artisinal pencil sharpening business going obsolete (as it damn well should be)?

Greasier5 karma

I'm not certain she's allowed to read/observe fan-produced content. I know the writers aren't.

EDIT: OK then. Maybe I was wrong. Sorry.

Greasier2 karma

My question to “Diamond” Joe Biden wasn’t very well-received (or answered), so I thought I’d let you field it instead. Your thoughts?

Greasier2 karma

You have just made an enemy for life. It is now time for YOU, of all people, to GET YOUR WAR ON!