Highest Rated Comments

GreatBosh629 karma

I'd buy that for a dollar!

GreatBosh17 karma

If it makes you feel any better, I played soccer in high school with the Apple employee who lost the phone. I always thought he was kind of a dick. But I guess high school sports don't really bring out the best in anyone. Anyone, I know his younger brother pretty well, sounds like the Apple employee is doing just fine now, with Apple.

GreatBosh7 karma

Our battalion had a company there in '08 - '09. They mortared (actually might have been some time-rigged RPGs, I wasn't on the base during that week) the KBR chow hall they were building there. One of the few incidents we had during the deployment though.

GreatBosh6 karma

Hey man, if you want to read a legitimate first-hand account of what it's like to travel to a war zone as a journalist I'd suggest my friend's blog. He was my NCO in the Marine Corps, and we were both combat correspondents (same as Mr. Rushing here was). He's currently in Afghanistan trying to make his name as a journalist.


GreatBosh3 karma

Hey Josh! I'm also a DINFOS grad and former Marine CC. I Just wanted to thank you for all you've done.