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GreetingsADM204 karma


I'm a huge fan of your work. In fact, I can't read any SC reports without hearing your voice reading the parts of the Justices in my head.

  1. Are you and your team planning on doing anything with John Oliver's doggy Supreme Court footage? I'd honestly rather have your voice over those dogs than the actual audio.

  2. I loved your work on 2776. Have you had much vocal training? Is it a hobby of yours?

GreetingsADM46 karma

As far as I know, both of them were born into Scientologist families. Literally raised on that lucrative bullshit.


GreetingsADM5 karma

Is that reflected in the very few nonprofit insurers as well?

GreetingsADM5 karma

Do you see much difference between for-profit and nonprofit(but not nonrevenue) healthcare as given by providers or administered by payors?

GreetingsADM2 karma

Love this podcast. It's quite good at coming up with "use cases" for therapy in helping to realize why someone would go to therapy in a situation and what kinds of things they might expect for those goals.

In what way do you think an individual's level of introversion or extroversion effects their experience in individual therapy?

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