Highest Rated Comments

Grieverao3 karma

What a very interesting topic to base your documentary on. You've clearly researched this thoroughly. On a side note from the usual questions, will you be requiring a composer for your documentary? I'm looking for work to increase my portfolio of composition and fully understand your budget restraints. Keep it in mind guys and good luck!

Grieverao3 karma

Congrats on the funding! Quitting retail must have been a huge relief. And even better now you can develop your dream further.

I sent you a PM you may be interested in.

Good luck!

Grieverao2 karma

Thanks very much! Will do!

Grieverao1 karma

Congratulations on Iron Sky! Laibach was a great choice for the soundtrack. I have two questions really. 1. How do you go about choosing a composer for your films? And 2. As an aspiring composer, is there a possibility to send you a showreel of my work?

Grieverao1 karma

Hi there and congrats on the development so far! I see on your fist link you state there'll be an epic sounding orchestral soundtrack. Have you acquired a composer(s) yet or are you in need? Epic orchestras are kind of my thing. Get in touch if you are interested. If not, best of luck on the release and may it be the start of something much, much greater for you!