Highest Rated Comments

H0b5t3r85 karma

How did you change the scenery so quickly between songs? Also did you get to watch the game for free?

H0b5t3r3 karma

I can't find the page to view internet history in your website, where do I find it?

H0b5t3r2 karma

WHat are your favorite lines as Glados or as the sniper?

H0b5t3r1 karma

Perhaps we shouldn't develop AI to avoid this problem, especially since AI likely will serve no purpose

H0b5t3r0 karma

I've always admired the work you have done as an organization to protect freedom of expression but I also have to wonder, do you actually believe freedom of association isn't protected by the constitution? Based on your website you say "With increasing frequency, we are seeing individuals and institutions claiming a right to discriminate—by refusing to provide services to women and LGBT people—based on religious objections. The ACLU works to defend religious liberty and ensure that no one is discriminated against or denied services because of someone else’s religious beliefs." This makes me believe you don't believe in freedom of association or freedom to discriminate, do you truly believe this or is it just to suck in progressives for contributions. Secondly your group seems to always stick up for the "rights" of non-citizens, why do non-citizens who have done nothing for this country deserve rights?