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HalfMoonSky88 karma

Toodles was so much better before he had a face. I find him really annoying now when my nieces watch Micky Mouse Clubhouse.

Either way... HOT DOG!

HalfMoonSky10 karma

Yay for pansexual! Me too!

You seem to be down on yourself a bit in this thread. For what it's worth, I think you're pretty, and I'd go so far as to say your boyfriend would agree haha.

Maybe you're done with the AMA, but I was going to ask... I am transgender and I don't see a lot of hope for the dating world. I can't seem to find anyone that truly cares about me, or doesn't want me for only sex.

My question is, how do you view dating and relationships with a genetic issue? I'd say my genetic issue is quite different, but it causes it's problems. And I personally don't have much, if any, hope of dating someone that actually values me as a human being. Are you optimistic in viewing your future dating?

Also, you said elsewhere that sometimes you feel as though you are "less than a woman". I understand that feeling well, but I don't think you should feel that way. ( I feel that way every moment of every day ) My biggsst advice would be... Just be the best you that you can be. :-)

Edit:: I phrased that weird and insinuated that you were transgender. It wasn't intended, and Im sorry. Brain no worky-worky late at night-y.

Edit 2:: I'm redundant. But I'm not gonna change it. Edit2 is for missing a few words. I suck tonight. Sorry!

HalfMoonSky8 karma

Pansexuality is pretty cool, I think. It basically means regardless of any variation of humanity, I can be attracted to, and fall in love with someone. So long as they treat me right.

Think bisexuality, but a little more descriptive. I've gotten hate for saying what I'm about to say. I have met bisexual people, who would date men and women, tell me they would never date someone who is transgender.

That stung a bit, as I actually am transgender, I disagreed with that entirely. I used to identify as bisexual, until I knew what pansexual is. I personally identify with pansexuality because if I meet someone who asks, and they may be some form of human variance, I don't want them to think they have zero chance with me if I tell them I was bi. I want them to think they have a chance. Because, ultimately, anyone has a chance. So long as they make me feel good. Loved. Wanted.

When I meet bisexual people, I usually think they wouldn't want me because I'm transgender. :-/

Regardless of gender. Regardless of race. Regardless of orientation. Regardless of any other variation. If I'm treated right, and someone cares about me as much as I care about them, I can love them. That is how I view pansexuality.

HalfMoonSky3 karma

I understand insecurities well. On top of all of my transgender issues I have to deal with severe depression and generalized anxiety, also pretty severe, are the highest "mess up my days" mental issues... so I understand that stuff as well.

You seem to be super upbeat and positive though. May I ask, how you view relationships? Specifically in the context of marriage, or family dynamics, or things of that nature? Does that make sense? It's late... I ought to sleep. Lol.

Also, you're welcome. thanks for the valuing me comment. that meant a lot, surprisingly.

HalfMoonSky3 karma

You're welcome, I guess. I wrote that a little tired and forgot to add that a physical attraction has to be there as well as the emotional/mental connection. But my definition of physical connection is a little more open than other people's.