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HarkusLOL82 karma

If a guy bought me a BMW I think the least I could do is suck his dick

(I'm a straight guy......)

HarkusLOL12 karma

I would assume that when you apply to hooters you accept that you are there to be stared at. I mean that in the nicest possible way of course.

HarkusLOL1 karma

I took a mickey mouse course to avoid headaches. You get told when you make a mistake? Dayum, I remember the day before hand in on this flash game (my course has nothing to do with video games by the way) my friend and I are making finishing touches to our games. He adds some code, his whole game messes up and just flashes during playtest. I was in a laughing fit while he failed at solving the problem..... He eventually handed the project in late and got a 38.... I still laugh at that.

You seem cool, I just voted yes on steam greenlight despite the fact I'll likely never play your game.

HarkusLOL1 karma

I like most genres. This one never appealed to me though, the only time I ever found a space shooter bearable was in Battlefront II and only barely.

Honestly I admire people who work hard on making games, I had to make a shitty flash game for a uni project once about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I fucking cried myself to sleep after trying to code that bitch.

HarkusLOL1 karma

I'm not trying to hate you player, I'm hating the game and the ridiculous amount of spaceship games it churns out.