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Harpapa4 karma

What is the impact of a statue being built of a person on the way he/she is perceived in society? Do we have statues in history that are built to depict the horrific nature or crimes by an individual. If not , then can there be statues to not glorify but to vilify a certain person and would that be effective ?

Harpapa3 karma

But if it is true what you say, then isn't this the very reason behind the conflict. If for decades my community honors certain individual and you suddenly demand removal or addition of context to their statues , isn't this unfair to an individual to expect him to to be fine with it. Is this the reason behind such protests and riots, that governments and historians failed to convey this context to communities in past ? If yes, then how do you suggest that communities don't have such symbols on totally different sides, one is honoring them and one is considering them as a villain?

Harpapa3 karma

Do you think history writers and governments have been successful in providing a context to these statues?

Harpapa3 karma

I have a question , can we and should we have a written banner or something near these statues to tell us about the horrific past of these people so that no one is fooled to treat them as good people.

Harpapa2 karma

No, I mean to all statues with such history , are general masses aware enough when they go to visit these statues?