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HaydenPlanettierium23 karma

You have said, after the collision on Mir, that when the station passed through the night side and you lost power that you didn't think it was so bad. Where did you find peace in such a situation? Because I would be terrified.

Thanks for doing this and for putting yourself in danger in space for the rest of us!

HaydenPlanettierium15 karma

But he should have visited his mother more.

HaydenPlanettierium9 karma

No, actually I remember reading about that situation once and the whole "dark side of the planet with the lights out" thing always stuck with me.

But fair question though

HaydenPlanettierium3 karma

What do you enjoy learning about the most?

HaydenPlanettierium3 karma

Now that 12 Songs is almost a decade old, how do you feel it fits in with your over all body of work? How was working with Rick Rubin? Did you have do or think about your music in a different way working with him?

Thanks for all the great music, man. Every time I hear Sweet Caroline I think about good memories with a buddy who's no longer with us.