Highest Rated Comments

Henge28 karma

Greetings, fellow skin writer! Mine has diminished significantly as I've aged and is usually worse when it is hot and humid. My mother has it, too. Do you also have any relatives with it?

Henge11 karma

Hi Jackson! Who was the strangest cat you ever met and what made it so strange?

Henge8 karma

It's true that depression can sometimes feels like that for some people. But it's not a very good overall summation of the experience of having clinical depression. IMO

It's more like a mad scientist did an experiment on you that turned off the parts of your brain that feels positive emotions. It's not that you feel nothing, you just don't ever feel happy. (Or satisfied or proud or rewarded, ect.) Therefore, good things don't feel good. You then feel bad for not feeling good. You don't just feel bad, either. That same mad scientist made your negative feelings more intense. They become so intense you can actually physically feel them. You can feel the depression and it hurts.

Not feeling anything would be a relief.

Henge5 karma

As a "job perk" do you ever get to meet any of the interesting cats made famous/popular on the internet? Like Lil Bub?

Henge1 karma

Thank you so much for answering all our questions!

I have two cats. One is special needs and the other is a former feral. The former feral is wily and sometimes slips out of our catio. He then hunts and brings the small rodents back and gives them to the special needs cat. I know sometimes cats bring their humans "gifts" but how common is it for a cat to do this for an older adult cat?