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HereIsWhere159 karma

My dad would love you. He moved my family to the Virgin Islands in 1995 just after a massive hurricane went though. He didn't have a job so he walked into the local radio station Monday morning at 8am and asked what he could do to help, the owner replied he didn't need help. So my dad showed up again on Tuesday at 8am and asked if he could help, he got the same reply, no thanks. So he decides to go in on Wednesday at 8am again, and this time the owner says "Welp, you've been here everyday at 8am sharp and sober, I guess I'll have to find you an office." He's been working there ever since.

Edit: Since this comment has gotten some attention, I'll shamelessly plug my dad's autobiography: Life Lessons: from Louie Motherball, Margaret Mead and the Good News Guy; Near Mrs and Direct Hits of an eccentric thousand-aire. It's not really meant to be of value to anyone outside immediate family, more a record of his life and some silly stories he remembers about family, but I guess someone might find some value in it someday. The story in my comment is written out in it's entirety on page 134.

HereIsWhere3 karma

May I ask why?

HereIsWhere2 karma

If you had to wear the same shirt everyday for the rest of you life, but the shirt had one word on it, what word would that be?

HereIsWhere2 karma

If I gave you a grant that fully funded your dream project, what would you do? What do you hope the result would be?

HereIsWhere2 karma

If you had to wear the same shirt every day for the rest of your life with one word on it, what word would that be?