Highest Rated Comments

HeyHoLetsGo61511 karma

Have you ever had a client that you felt like you couldn't help because their mental state wasn't where it needed to be (deep depression, bad anxiety, a literal sociopath, etc.)? I feel like if I were single I'd need to see a therapist before trying to meet new people again. Luckily I don't have to, but it is something I'm aware of.

HeyHoLetsGo6152 karma

I'm tardy to the party, but in the off chance you see this, have you ever met Daryl Davis? If so, did you learn anything from him or feel like you taught him anything?

HeyHoLetsGo6152 karma

Since net neutrality has been pulled, do you personally think that a new ISP could come up that does properly follow the guides that were set by net neutrality regulation to compete with the big corporations? And of so, would there be any FCC regulation that would interfere with such a thing?

HeyHoLetsGo6151 karma

What sort of system do you use to gauge reviews? (i.e. star ratings, upvote/downvote/, etc.)

I ask because I would personally like to see a custom rating system of "reliable", "unreliable", "well written", "poor grammar", etc. where you choose what is relevant to the article and journalist and not so much an arbitrary number. I think this could lead to more accurate overall reviews as opposed to "this has 200 upvotes" or "this has 4.3 stars" and instead see "this journalist had 53 reviews stating they're 'well sourced' with their reporting but have 23 reviews stating he has frequent grammar mistakes".

Idk, just a thought.

HeyHoLetsGo6151 karma

When it comes to art on a release, do you have any artists that you recommend or do you leave it up to the band?

Also, can you provide those artists, if so?