Highest Rated Comments

HezaNormandy2718 karma

How much say do you have in the topics that get covered in the show?

Also have you considered doing an episode on ruining cable companies? A lot of people are moving away from them lately, including me, but sadly that means I can't watch your show as often as I'd like.

HezaNormandy1 karma

Didn't want to bog down my original question, but I had a sleep study done a couple years ago and had no apnea. I have gained probably 30ish pounds since then if that would lead to it... does that also explain the cold feeling? No matter what I do I can't seem to get warm.

HezaNormandy1 karma

Every night when I fall asleep I get cold so I bundle up, but even though I feel that I'm still freezing I sweat, which only makes me colder. I get no restful sleep and wake up exhausted, freezing, and shaking. Help!

I've recently had a physical and labs, all normal. I will be having a sleep study in February, but until then do you have any thoughts?

EDIT: Just thought to add, I've been exhausted all my life. It takes me no time at all to fall asleep, no matter what is going on. This is the first time ever anything has stopped me from sleeping deeply.