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HigginsIsInTheTire8 karma

Also (I was going to pm this but the account is for all NYT content) I've been interested in journalism/investigative reporting for most of my life, however so many people claim that it's a dying art. How were you able to get a job for the NYT, and what steps would you recommend a high school student such as myself take in order to succeed in journalism?

HigginsIsInTheTire8 karma

Why is scamming culture so popular in Nigeria, and what are the patterns that most online scammers follow?

HigginsIsInTheTire6 karma

Thank you so much for replying! I love the New York Times, I feel that it does a phenomenal job of helping the public see perspectives from many sides.

I have always been passionate on activism and spend every bit of free time reading up on current events. I'd love to become an opinion reporter (I have a thick accent so I doubt I'd be able to go on TV). I'm going to join my high school paper in a few weeks and am extremely excited. I have also recently send in a letter to a local newspaper that will hopefully get published within the next week :) I will definitely take your advice as it is a huge help.

Out of curiosity- Did you play any part/were you aware of the publication of the infamous Trump op-ed from the fall? If so,what reaction did you believe the administration would have and did you expect such a massive response?