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HillStaffThrowAway85 karma

It's not even remotely accurate in my experience. The best and most accurate portrayal of staff culture and how process works is Veep. That show nails how all of the climber sycophants, policy geeks, and creepy special interests gum up the process.

HillStaffThrowAway72 karma

Big oil, increased off shoring of money, less oversight of PACs, etc....

(But really, infrastructure investments)

HillStaffThrowAway68 karma

The house is a zoo. You can be a chief of staff in your late 20s, so there are a lot of young, anxious climbers on that side. The Senate tends to value technocratic staffers more, so you find that aids are older and have more experience (and aren't nearly as concerned with impressing each other as house staffers). Aesthetically, the House is a dump. Staffers are crammed together in tiny cubicles. In the Senate I had two wide screen monitors and a wide screen television at my desk, my own closet, and their bathrooms are literally marble lined.

HillStaffThrowAway50 karma

People who vote. People who stay informed and work in their daily Lives to make change.

HillStaffThrowAway36 karma

One of my bosses wouldn't let us take meetings with a particular lobbying firm because they were "a bunch of whores" (financially, not literally prostitutes). He made us take meetings with them in the cafeteria so they and their clients knew where they stood with our office.

I probably have more examples. If I think of something I will come back to this.