Highest Rated Comments

HoboOnTheCorner434 karma

That's surprisingly brilliant.

HoboOnTheCorner65 karma

How often do you search inmate's cells? whats the most creative hiding place for contraband that you have found?

HoboOnTheCorner13 karma

I did a research project a few years back on solitary confinement. Most specifically in the California prison system. I argued that it was a form of torture and should be removed as a form of punishment. Further I argued that it led to higher recidivism rates and creates/amplifies mental health problems in prisoners. With that said I have a few questions for you..

Do you see solitary confinement as a form of torture? why? can you explain through personal experiences?

Edit: Another question: What do think is something that would be really easy to fix about the prison system, but would have a huge positive impact?

HoboOnTheCorner1 karma

Sup Burnie. What are some of your favorite movies? Any that are influences to Lazer Team?

HoboOnTheCorner1 karma

What kind of TV channels would you get? I can imagine there are certain things that they wouldn't want you to watch.