Hooman Majd

is an Iranian-American journalist, author, and commentator who writes on Iranian affairs.

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HoomanMajd34 karma

Thank you. But that cat isn't Persian.

HoomanMajd11 karma

Not really. I think if one is not going to be honest, then one shouldn't write. If there are consequences--and there always are for me, it seems--then I just deal with them. But any kind of censorship, including self-censorship, is anathema to me.

HoomanMajd9 karma

You're right and it's natural to fear the country we're told to fear. I guess the only thing individuals can do (at least in America) is to be relentless in telling our elected officials that we want peace, not conflict. As an example, we should be telling Congress that we support the diplomatic efforts of the Obama administration on the nuclear issue...so far Congress doesn't seem to be listening.

HoomanMajd6 karma

I consider the Iranian regime legitimate inasmuch as any other Middle Eastern government is. The will of the people is hard to judge, since there are so many different opinions on what the country's political system should be. But there does seem to be a consensus on reform rather than revolution, and Rouhani's election spoke to that. On the MEK, they have virtually no support inside Iran, and therefore I consider them not to be legitimate opposition. Ms. Rajavi, as a self-appointed president, is hardly a democrat.

HoomanMajd6 karma

Yes it is rational. Impossible to say about a hypothetical Israeli strike, but response won't be irrational.

HoomanMajd5 karma

There are many cultural differences, of course, but what's remarkable is that Iranian society isn't actually all that different from American--in that people aspire to the same things, and enjoy much of the same things in terms of popular culture (a least in the big cities).

HoomanMajd5 karma

I understand your father's position. I would just say to him that he might want to put his hate aside for a moment and visit anyway. There are still things about Iran that will bring him joy, even though he will doubtless still despise the government. And it would be a shame to not experience that joy.

HoomanMajd4 karma

I write more for a Western audience than an Iranian one, but it's not a question of my preference. The subject matter of my first and newest book is probably more directed at a Western audience, since Iranians have their own understanding of their country and culture. 3 people? Obama, the Supreme Leader, and Hillary Clinton (if she's our next president).

HoomanMajd3 karma

Well, the ministry is in charge of issuing press permits and permits to write--which they have refused me since 2009. And they didn't seem keen on my staying in Iran (and if they refuse you permission to work, that in itself is a signal).

HoomanMajd2 karma

I think atheism has always existed, and perhaps, like in the rest of the world, it is on the upswing in Iran, too. But secular Iranians have learned to live with the Islamic system, even though they would prefer secularism--and if religion isn't enforced as much, I think the republic can survive even as secularism becomes more common. I would never prefer a coup to anything. I prefer that the Iranian people choose their system, and if one day they have the numbers to revolt against the Islamic system, then they deserve our support.