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HopelessSemantic520 karma

Hello! My question has two parts.

How do you feel about Jonathan Coulton's cover of Baby Got Back, and did you have any feelings about how Glee covered his cover, but didn't give him any credit?

HopelessSemantic23 karma

Things like this remind me how important it is to be mindful of what we say to our children. Family members used to make "jokes" about my appearance/weight all the time when I was young and it really messed me up, but as you've experienced, just one little comment can be just as damaging.

If it helps, there are girls who are attracted to men with breasts. My husband has them and I love them. You could definitely try binding and/or saving up for surgery if you really aren't comfortable with them, though.

HopelessSemantic20 karma

Not OP obviously, but OP seemed to have actual breast tissue, which isn't likely to grow back. If you have the same thing, it's not a matter of weight, though being overweight can certainly make them larger.

For what it's worth, my husband has the same thing and I find it super attractive.

HopelessSemantic14 karma

I don't have any questions; I just want to thank you for doing this. I actually had a severe reaction to a vaccine as an infant, and I still strongly support vaccinations. Cases like yours far outweigh cases like mine, and I'm still better off than if I had gotten one of the diseases that we vaccinate against. It makes me so angry that so many parents endanger the health of their children simply because of ignorance and fear.

HopelessSemantic1 karma

It's easier to see if you look at the pictures next to each other, like this.

If you look at the area under her eyes, there's definitely a difference.