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Hopfrogg382 karma

Well, there's a general Arab hatred for the states, for supporting Israel, and what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan. My beliefs tell me to refuse any kind of help from the U.S

This is exactly why we should NOT get involved. This Syrian seems pretty level headed and he feels this way. Imagine how many not so level headed rebels feel about the US. It's a tragedy what is happening in Syria, but we cannot keep asking our young people to cash these checks.

Hopfrogg168 karma

The Beatles used to send postcards to each other when they went on holiday and Ringo published a book of his that he saved... this one from Paul should should settle the question of who the best drummer in The Beatles was.

If that doesn't convince you.. listen to his drumming on Rain. Ringo, not one of the best, but definitely one of the most underrated drummers of all time imo.

Edit: Why thank you kind soul for the gold! Peace and love, peace and love!

Hopfrogg151 karma

Blaine is an absolute master.

Couple of things to note. Harrison only gets about 1/4 of the way through the deck before Blaine puts pressure on him to stop searching and pick a piece of fruit. Harrison continues to go halfway through before it gets awkward and he stops and picks the orange.

Even checking just half the deck, there is a chance he blew right past the 9 of hearts because you aren't really focused in this situation. One of my favorite tricks that I pull involves the "victim" looking at a blatantly different card then the one I showed them and convincing them it is the same one. It baffles me everytime how easily the mind is tricked in these situations as it has never failed. It's called a Force (ironic since this is a HF ama).

Also, Harrison identifies his card before the orange is opened. Even if he decides to lie, Blaine would have put the right card in the orange. The suggestion to pick a fruit we can "open" is also a subtle cue to pick the soft orange which is surrounded by hard apples. If Harrison would have picked an apple, Blaine probably would have redirected with "easy to open" or something. Cards can be put into an orange rather easily.

Now how the fuck Blaine is able to select the right card and get it into the orange is a fucking mystery, the guy is a master, but don't fall into the age old trap of thinking it is staged.

Edit: I believe I've sussed it out. As Blaine opens the orange he inserts the card through the back of it.

Hopfrogg8 karma

he didn't like to solo

That's a good point. He disliked it so much that he even fought doing a solo on what they intended to be their last song "The End". Love that song because you really get to hear each of their different styles as John, Paul, and George each did a guitar solo on it and they had to talk Ringo into doing a drum solo... which he did... and which I personally love, I think it's brilliant.

Hopfrogg1 karma

Glad to see it finally come to fruition. I'm one of your original backers on kickstarter (a cheap one), and despite the email updates (changed my email about a year ago and stopped getting them) was feeling like it was never going to come to fruition.

Congrats on getting it released and I look forward to watching it soon.

My first question is... do you miss China? Are you happy with your decision to move back to the states and do you foresee not living in China in the future? The whole Rang Yui tussle seemed pretty silly to me and I suspect that is completely behind you now.

Film related. My reason for backing was based on how many children beggars I witnessed in China. When you see your 5th dirt drenched little girl rolling around on a wooden board, the one like Eddie Murphy used in Trading Places, in a matter of a few blocks, you start wondering what's behind all this. Any idea, percentage wise, how many of these kids on the street are being run by gangs (ala Slumdog Millionaire) and how many are legit beggars from poor families? As much as I wanted to throw some RMB their way, I always felt it was the worst thing to do as it perpetuates a lot of the kidnappings and exploitation for money. Very important film imo, and I hope it gets the attention that this topic desperately needs.