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Hot_In_Knaan12 karma

What is the most dangerous virus that is out here today? What makes the difference between a common virus to a world threat virus? Is there a chance that in the modern era to have a world wide plague?

Thanks for this iama. You have the best job to tell about to girls on the bar.

Hot_In_Knaan11 karma

Rabies is so terryfing ima shoot myslef before it will ruin my psyche. Horrifying stories.

Hot_In_Knaan3 karma

Thanks for replying that's gold. Also qanted to ask, vice news have a series of "Afganistan after US roll" and it seems that the majority of locals are unmotivated to fight the proxies. Now you are not in Afgan. But .. 1.can u resonate with most of people just tired of fighting and moght even get around with the proxies just to make their living qnd provide for the families? 2. How does the proxies wins the locals approvals? Do they try or it's just striking fear on the villages? 3. How do you fight peacfully when your enemy is well equipped and well supported?

Thanks for hosting the iama. I'm from the middle east also and hipe our children will grow in a peaceful middle east neighborhood

Hot_In_Knaan3 karma

1.Are the Iraqi people have a strong national identity? I heard that the only ones who call themselves "Iraqis" are iraqi jews. 2.What does the avarage protester thinks of the Iran regime? 3. What was Iraq like before Saddam?

Hot_In_Knaan1 karma

Thanks brother! I hope that the good people will win. It's easy to spot who is the evil axis in the world these days. If you could telepathically connect 1 of your memories with the westners, what would it be?