Highest Rated Comments

Hypotetical_Snowmen3 karma

So, MR. HODGMAN, after consulting your areas of expertise, I found myself as a hobo on the flying state of Hohoq. Much to my dismay, the Thunderbirds do not recognize the ways of the Hobo, and the German Americans are much too German.

Do you have a special hobo symbol to express this situation?

Hypotetical_Snowmen2 karma

So, um... do you have any flavocol left?

Hypotetical_Snowmen1 karma

That Flavocol is probably the reason I buy popcorn at the theater. Need someone to store it for you?

Hypotetical_Snowmen1 karma

Hey guys! You're one of my favorite newer bands. We've got a mutual friend that introduced me to you. Russ, how are you liking that... I think it was a sparkling green Jaguar or something that friend fixed up? Him and I discussed pickups for that a bit. Emma, do you have a collection of your artwork anywhere? Matt, keep on drumming like an animal, I can tell you're a fan of Bonham!

Hypotetical_Snowmen1 karma

I offer much cabinet space.