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IWWICH161 karma

I see you come from the Mel Brooks school of comedy.

“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” -Mel

IWWICH9 karma

The fact Thiel bankrolled a lawsuit he was not involved in doesn't sit right with me. Now there's the story that Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) is possibly going to be bankrolled in telling her side of the Trump story, effectively lifting a private contract. Don't get wrong either. I'm glad that the dumpster fire that was Gawker went away and Trump's image/brand is slowly getting destroyed.

My question is, knowing that you are not a lawyer, what is your take on the legal precedent the Gawker lawsuit set by treating the courts as weapons of an agenda?

IWWICH7 karma

I can't claim any expertise on whatever else Mr. Farrell will claim, but his answer neglects the nature of suicide (at least in the US).

Try checking out more credible resources [1] [2].

The gist of it, is that males tend to perform more extreme acts of suicide as compared to females. A man is more likely to shoot himself and succeed, whereas a woman is more likely to poison herself and become an attempted suicide.

IWWICH7 karma

What exactly are you trying to point out?

IWWICH6 karma

This question applies to Outlook for all platforms. Why isn't there a "schedule follow up meeting" function? I'm not a programmer, but it seems like an easy enough feature to implement (correct and berate me if I'm wrong). The current copy/paste workaround is awful.