Highest Rated Comments

I_RAPE_CASTES832 karma

What's the #1 thing you guys are always fighting over?


Are you able to masturbate? How do you handle being aroused?


What were you told life would be like after a German victory?

How long after the end of WWII hostilities did you begin to fear a nuclear war?

When did you first use a computer?

When did you first learn about Japanese war crimes against Chinese? Specifically Unit 731 human experimentation and the Nanjing occupation.

What are the mistakes you see people making now that they made before WWII?

Did you need therapy after experiencing all that bad stuff? How did people around you cope after the war? Was substance abuse a big problem?


What was the best party you ever attended?

Have you ever traveled abroad? Where did you go?

Can you speak any foreign languages?


This Chick is borderline retarded. She's getting completely ripped off by millionaires and laughs it the fuck off.