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I_want_a_TARDIS4 karma

Hi, I'm an engineering student, so I got some technical questions for you (or your colleague respectively):

  • What CNC-machines are you using, can you name a brand, post some pictures, etc. ?
  • What are the max. dimensions you can manufacture in one piece?
  • What material is the foam, or do you use different sorts?
  • What cutting tools are you using for the foam and what's the max. cutting velocity?


I_want_a_TARDIS4 karma

Are you allowed to give a second meal to a passenger in economy class on a long-haul flight if you have enough left?

I_want_a_TARDIS1 karma

How long does it take to evacuate the shaft? Or is there some sort of airlock so that not the whole thing hast to be evacuated after inserting the rig?

EDIT: Are the shafts only used for experiments with flames or also for other kinds of zero gravity experiments?

I_want_a_TARDIS1 karma

I know I'm pretty late to the party but maybe you'll answer.

I've been to the local TK a couple times now and the food was always delicious and the service very good. I don't know how it is in your restaurant but in the one where I am it's always relatively cold. This might just be due to me as a European still not being used to the excessive use of air conditioning here in the States, though. Assuming that the situation might be similar where you work, my question is how you don't freeze in those clothes if the A/C is set to such a low temperature?

I_want_a_TARDIS1 karma

Thanks for the answers!