Highest Rated Comments

Iamaump76 karma

I'm surprised this one isn't at the top.

Iamaump24 karma

I am kind of undecided on this as a whole, but there are definitely situations in which I could see it being implemented. There are also situations where replay that overturned the original call might create a whole new set of problems. In regards to the former, for example, I could see it working for safe/out calls. However, in the case of a fair/foul decision, if the call was originally foul, but replays clearly indicate it was fair, where do the runners get placed? How does one determine where they would have ended up if the ball had been correctly ruled fair to begin with?

I'm not too worried about the expansion of replay. Even if replay entirely takes over the Majors, I'll still be able to umpire quality baseball (i.e. independent ball, college, etc.).

Iamaump23 karma

Yep. Shitty.

Iamaump17 karma

At umpire school, every day for five weeks is spent pouring over every word in the rule book. Usually half of the day is spent on rules (i.e. reading them, discussing, taking tests) while the other half is spent out on the field working on mechanics and positioning. Then you go back to your room, do some homework, study, go to bed, and do it all over again the next day.

Iamaump17 karma

A couple grand a month (during the season and before taxes), plus a small per diem.