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IanSomerhaldersBitch8 karma

I have read a bunch of testimonies from survivors. Most state that it was very hard for people under the age of 18 to survive. Most would be sent to showers.

How did you manage to make it through selections at a young age? Did you have a skill?

IanSomerhaldersBitch3 karma

How did he manage to make it through Siberia?

IanSomerhaldersBitch1 karma

Oh man when Weeds ended I felt like a part of myself died. I loved your interactions with Celia. Was it hard working with Hunter Parish whose good looks blinds most people?

But really I know a lot of fans didn't quite like when the show moved across the US and Mexico. Personally I liked the season 4 move the best. What is your favorite location the Botwins found themselves in?

IanSomerhaldersBitch1 karma

What is one, other than the fast, thing you would like a regular ole person to do to help out with your cause?

IanSomerhaldersBitch1 karma

I adored the book Nothing to Envy. Ever since I read that book I have had a deep interest with North Korea.

While you lived there did you believe that your dear or great leader was God? What was told to you to make you believe he really was some sort of a God?