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Icy-Letterhead-28371 karma

My son has a border/lab mix. Ever heard of skin diseases or anything affecting mixed breeds? The vet we've used has refused to test him for anything and just threw pills at it. Over a grand, and the condition is still there. Know of any decent vets in the KC area that might take this seriously?

Icy-Letterhead-28371 karma

I missed this, but thoughts on the ERA? Think it will ever get to the final print?

Icy-Letterhead-28371 karma

The idea that it would do anything to un-enumerated rights is shot down simply by one gender/sex having enumerated rights over others already. And with women getting the right to vote explicitly added in 1920. I'm hoping the ERA gets there. It needs to be in print for most of the remaining idiots (still gonna have the groups saying it's not true of course). All the ERA does is elevate all non-males to lawful equal status without question. There will always be un-enumerated rights. There are un-enumerated rights for males.

Personally I'm just tired of all the bullshit. A person is a person is a person. I've gone to war with people. Their gender didn't matter, what mattered was can they put rounds downrange to save your life, drag your ass to safety, complete the mission and go home. Not as dangerous here in the states, but the same principles apply; who cares, can they meaningfully contribute?