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IfBaconWasAState113 karma

What tips do you have for an awesome sex life?

IfBaconWasAState3 karma

Actually, one last note that is going to be extremely quick and to the point:

We need to focus on our own actions, not the actions of others because whether it is intentional or not, we tend to deflect responsibility and throw the focus on people who we can’t even identify. I’ve been guilty of this too and all I’m saying is that I don’t think anyone that saw my comment is living under the conditions where, if they do not fish, they will die of starvation.

For the ones the are fishing out of legitimate necessity, but only fish when it is a must, I know it may sound ironic, but it is not: those people are vegan. It’s about practicality. It’s impractical to starve to death. It’s impractical to not take medication for a disease or illness that contains animal products. It’s impractical to drink nothing but water because, the so-called “anti-vegans” love this “argument:” doN’T yOu KnOW AboUt cRoP dEaThS?!

Veganism isn’t about perfection. There will never be perfection, and animals will always have to die for humans… but it’s about being mindful with that. It’s about saying, “I know there are certain aspects I cannot control, but what I CAN control is not directly eating the flesh of a mother cow because I can make my burger with black beans/mushrooms/store-bought animal alternatives instead.”

If you are seriously interested, read about a plane that crashed, where the few survivors only survived because they cannibalized and ate the deceased passengers. The survivors faced no consequences, and that should have been the only outcome because there was nothing unethical, uncalled for or impractical about eating what was available in order to not die there. If I were in the shoes of the survivors, I would have done the exact same thing and would have remained 100% vegan because when it comes to necessity, I’ll eat anything and anyone I can so I can extend my life. The best part though is that in reality, the majority of us will never have to face that scenario, so it’s nothing but a matter of wants instead of needs. We want to eat animals, and in doing so, we are literally animal abusers and we are literally animal-haters, not lovers. Despite what we love telling ourselves when it comes to being these “empathetic, spiritual people who loves everyone,” our actions literally say the opposite and if you were to enslave, torture, mutilate, rape and murder me, I would go in ahead and say that’s hate at its purest form. So if that isn’t hate, I dunno what is.

Food for thought.

IfBaconWasAState3 karma

Do you regret not doing anything? And how do the families react when you say that you watched their so get beat?

IfBaconWasAState1 karma

So according to you, someone who is not a hypocrite and practices what they preach is now and idiot? Do you eat McDonald’s by any chance? Because if so, all of those carcinogens are starting to decay your brain, ya idiot.

IfBaconWasAState1 karma

In good faith: I have heard this argument before… respectfully of course. And the answer is quite simple, it is actually within the definition of Veganism. “A way of living which seeks to exclude the commodification, exploitation and abuse of animals as practical as possible.”

I’m not saying YOU directly… but to give you an example. “What about the eskimos on this specific region?” Don’t worry about the eskimos, I’m not talking to them. “What about the Indians that are secluded and remain tribal?” Don’t worry about the Indians because actual indigenous people are not on the internet with their 5G cell phones. “What about the poor pueblos in Mexico that don’t have a means to get the average plants?” Don’t worry about the pueblos in poverty because they are doing all they can.

I am not and I have never demanded that these extremely unique cases where a specific group of individuals be seen exactly the same as the rest of the human. I can not speak for the entire world, but at least 90-95% of the citizens of the USA are completely able to eat plants for the rest of their lives… but they don’t want to because they value comfort over growth. I was once the same as everyone else, and I understand what it is like to pass by a McDonald’s every corner, but that doesn’t mean it justifies killing a living being for a needless reason. Most, if not all of the USA has markets, whether it be a Walmart Supercenter or a mom and pop shop, that can legitimately provide all that we would need to survive and thrive: beans, rice, legumes, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, spices, herbs… it’s all there. I have never in my life ever walked into a market where I couldn’t find plants, and that is the type of people I am talking to when it comes to subjects like this. There is an absolute over abundance of gluttony in the modern world and we have taken it TOO FAR. We are literally at the point of no return and the earth is starting to crumble due to the animal agricultural industry, and look at how humans continue to react: hostile, comical or downright ignorant about it all. What’s wrong with speaking about it and reminding others that, while they may be good people in other aspects, the choices they are making when it comes to what they eat is downright diabolical? We eat processed poison and we don’t even care. And whether you want to believe me or not, as someone who has been eating nothing but plants for over 4 years now, but ate animals for more than 2 decades, I can confidently say that eating pure suffering, misery and death literally changes the psyche. I was a fucking zombie that ate carcinogens left and right, and that does something to the mind, I know it because whatever it was inside of me has since left and I can see now that carnists are walking zombies. We treat our body like graveyards, and eat death… which is what we were always told zombies do. If you do not believe me, please go to r/PublicFreakouts and see how many videos you’ll find of people going absolutely berserk at a McDonald’s or other fast food chain. Why? Because people who eat at those places never even had respect for the animals, so what makes anyone think they will have respect for their own bodies, let alone the employees or other customers in there? It’s not normal… and it’s okay if you don’t believe me, but I’ll tell you what: the day you see a video or read an article of a literal brawl or meltdown at an all-vegan establishment with legitimate vegan patrons in there, please return here and kindly share that with me. I am that confident it will never happen, because veganism doesn’t make anyone perfect, it simply allows us to have standards. If we can respect the most vulnerable, innocent animals such as a chicken, and value her life, we are going to most certainly value and respect humans as well. The moment we start to discriminate beings because of how they look like or what they lack, it opens the door for evvveeerrryyyooonnneee to interpret that the way they wish, and it is the foundation of racism. Raise two children and teach one to respect all beings, even the ants, and that child will grow up to not see anyone as inferior. Teach the other child to care about dogs, but not care about pigs, but care about turtles while also eating other marine-animals, and what is to stop him or her from wanting to hurt a cat or see black people as lesser? That’s the thing, there is nothing to stop them. This entire system of propogated carnism is nothing but an arbitrary bias towards the animals and we would rather ignore that truth and eat our fried fat because “MMMM bacon tho” like if the world revolves around us when it frankly doesn’t. Animals are here with us, not for us and the moment we all accept that, our planet WILL heal and our ecosystem WILL balance itself once again. Until then, let’s defecate on the vegans and pay the industries who are destroying the entire rainforest, oceans and lands just so we can get that temporary pleasure, I guess.