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Ilikefrogs55 karma

Is a "dish dog" a human being that washes dishes?

Ilikefrogs12 karma

What is your favorite crime, and why?

Ilikefrogs7 karma

I thought I was bad at math. Then I learned how to study properly, and the importance of working ahead. Never work on what you're assigned beginning when it's assigned to you. Always work a week or two ahead.

You'll see that being 2 weeks ahead will make the topic being taught in class seem much easier. Also when it's time for exams you'll be able to devote more time to effective studying.

Once you've understood how a math problem works, construct one of your own that works. You don't really understand how helpful this will be until you do it. You'll see the various functions of each part of the problem.

Memorize your formulas. Literally. Every one that you'll need for the class. You should be able to jot them down, one after another at the beginning of your exam and then refer back to them later in the exam after your brain starts to become fatigued. This should be the first step of every math exam you take.

Know when you're brain is fatigued, and then give it a rest. Personally, I can feel a band of tension around my head after about 45 minutes. Then I get up, walk around and rub my scalp. Even during my exams, I'm allowed a bathroom break. I use it. It is helpful. Your brain will reward you will better performance.

Watch your diet. Stay healthy. Take walks and do resistance exercise to give your body (brain) stamina. Eat blueberries and spinach and limit your junk food. Drink plenty of water.

The night before the exam study lightly. The morning of the exam limit your studying to maybe 20 minutes or so.

Source: Former high school dropout (thought I was stupid), turned math stud.

Ilikefrogs5 karma

I love your story. You seem like a truly decent guy, and I bet your mother is really proud of you. You are using your experiences to help others, and that is a rare thing in this world.

Thanks for being a great example for the rest of us.

Ilikefrogs1 karma

Did you report your co-worker for the assault like a person with absolute integrity, or did you do what any normal person would have done and let it slide?

If you let it slide - isn't that illegal? And then doesn't that make you a criminal? And therefore shouldn't you get the fuck out of your job before your ability to believe in yourself withers and dies, leaving you trapped in a job that will never make you happy?