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IllGiveYouTheKey24 karma

What were your opinions (should we be involved in the first place, has it helped, what should/shouldn't be done more/less etc) on these wars before/during/after/now? What is your stance on any possible intervention in other countries, such as Iran in the future? And how do your opinions differ from others involved in the army?


IllGiveYouTheKey13 karma

I can't find a source right now, bit I believe the road (or track) was there first - Stonehenge was built next to an important route at the time, rather than the other way round.

Fair point on the government deciding to make it a trunk road - suppose it made sense at the time...

IllGiveYouTheKey3 karma

My girlfriend and I were planning on visiting Tampa at the beginning of October. Will everything be alright by then? Or do you think we should keep out of the way of the recovery effort? Also visiting my Grandad in Houston, so the trip is turning into Hurricane Tour 2017...

IllGiveYouTheKey2 karma

Your original post mentions road/freeway bottleneck fixes. Arguably, all this would do is release suppressed demand and de-centivise public transport use/investment.

Secondly, what are your thoughts on congestion charging beyond toll lanes, as in London? It's been pretty successful there, will all profits by law required to find improvements in bus services.

IllGiveYouTheKey2 karma

Bare minimum? If anything it's already too high at 35mph. Here in the UK the trend is to go from 30mph (national speed limit in built up areas) to 20mph. It doesn't really affect road users that much, but makes the pedestrian environment much more pleasant and cuts accidents.