Highest Rated Comments

IllogicalLogic21154 karma

How and why did you choose that kind of work?

Are cucumbers banned?

IllogicalLogic21133 karma

What is the weirdest thing you have seen?

Care to share any stories?

IllogicalLogic218 karma

Why are you in the buisness? The money? The sex?

IllogicalLogic212 karma

When/If the Russians come, will you fight? I'm in the U.S. but I've been getting tired of Russia's macho-man stance cause Putin is fucking ignorant. The U.S. and EU need to do something about this, once things escalate Obama is going to have to decide.

IllogicalLogic211 karma

Thank you for your service, I want to ask you a few questions...

Did you drop napalm? If so, how did you feel then and how do you feel now about it?

How did you feel when you were drafted?

Where you pro or against the war?

With the massive anti-war protests, how were you treated when you came home from Vietnam?