Highest Rated Comments

ImQuibits33 karma


Huh. Cool word. TIL.

ImQuibits23 karma

For those wondering, none of the following are actually words in English: subterscribe, antepenultiscribe, omniscribe, an antiscribe, maxiscribe, decimiscribe, aureliscribe.

The rest are legit.

ImQuibits9 karma

ImQuibits8 karma

Lol, serious eats has a pressure cooker bean recipe saying not to salt the beans early because it will toughen the skins


"Don't add any salt at this point, as it could toughen the bean skins."

Guess some myths are impossible to get rid of

ImQuibits3 karma

Question for OP or anyone that's played: How is the replay value?

I've found a lot of these games are fun ~3 times and then get really old really fast once the shock value is gone. Exploding cats and un-expanded Cards against humanity come to mind.

And to OP, what were some unexpected challenges going from an idea to production. What problems occur that you just don't read about in "Buisness for Dummies" or what have you?

And thanks for the AmA, this is a super chill thread.