Highest Rated Comments

IndyJonesy2 karma

I'm looking! It's just that most of them around me require past experience or a degree.

IndyJonesy2 karma

Thanks for the advice! I was supposed to get an internship this last school year. The company that was going to hire me said yes they would hire me but all that they had to do is talk to their legal department. After that they said they couldn't hire me because I would be an unpaid intern working with government contracts... And I guess what was a big no no.

IndyJonesy2 karma

Hello, I don't really have a question about your engine but I have a question about how you guys got into the position you are in today. Well, actually about college degrees. If I want to be an aerospace engineer and hopefully work for NASA in the future, would it be better to get my undergrad in mechanical engineering and then my graduate degree in aerospace engineering? Or would it be better to just get my undergrad in aerospace and hope for the best? I'm sorry that this question is a little off topic. Thank you very much for doing this AMA!

IndyJonesy1 karma

What is the coolest thing you have seen/done an how does one get an internship at NASA?

IndyJonesy1 karma

Thanks :)