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Itsthewrongway311 karma

Hey Romanski, I know your mom. Actually, I live in her neighborhood, and she was the person who first told me about BMS back when I was a senior in HS. We went to a Mudcats game together. So can you tell the story about your brother, the shit underwear, and the beanbag chair? Also, Jon tried to have sex with one of my moms friends on her 50th birthday.

Itsthewrongway10 karma

God it is good. My mom made it once when we had some family friends over...she brought out the dish, and one of the guests joked that it looked like lawn clippings. He is so right though, but my oh my if I don't have unlimited servings when it is made. Iranian food as a whole is quite good. Another stew that looks slightly odd but is delicious is fesenjan.

Itsthewrongway4 karma

No, Farsi (sometimes called Persian as well), is the language spoken in Iran. Kurdish is part of the "Iranian language family," but Farsi is the official language. According to Wikipedia, Kurdish constitutes 10% of the main languages spoken in Iran. That is a higher percentage than Arabic in Iran.

Itsthewrongway1 karma

Technically speaking, but often the Arab is associated with the Middle East.

Itsthewrongway1 karma

I've written two research papers about MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for two separate classes. If only you had posted this during that time period haha. My question is, what about the MDMA-assisted psychotherapy differed in your mind, and how did that help you progress? Thanks for your service, and I'm glad to hear you are doing better.