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J-Money226 karma

That would be really cool, and maybe I can get my degrees and pursue baseball professionally. I only have a couple more years of school, and it doesn't take long to get back into throwing shape. If I found the connections, I would love to play through a Major League system!

J-Money226 karma

My feet were all the way backwards and my Achilles tendons weren't attched to my heels, and the doctors had to break my tibia and fibula and reset them multiple times with pins and plates, kind of like a combonation of Forrest Gump's and LeRoy Butler's scenarios. I was on the Cross Country team my senior year of high school, and my coach was a big influence on my success, but unfortunately he passed away because of cancer, but I alway used his words of wisdom. I was actually put in as a pinch runner when I wasn't pitching, so I have plenty of speed.

J-Money226 karma

Thanks, I really appreciate it! I worked really hard to get to that point, and I finally made it to my dream of making it to the Major League baseball tryouts with some success.

J-Money224 karma

They were completely turned around, so I had my first surgery when I was 2 days old to connect my Achilles tendons because they weren't attached. I also Had a wheelchair in kindergarten, a walker in first grade, and I was in Physical therapy from when I was a baby till about 2nd grade. I was able to participate in karate, and I've won many trophies at tournaments for sparring and forms. Sometimes my feet are sore after a long day on them, but isn't everyone's sometimes? lol. I have very limited ankle movement, but I think that helps me on the mound get torque toward home plate. The arches of my feet have very little feeling, and my doctor said foot massages are good to break up my scar tissue, so that was pretty cool as a kid getting those once in a while lol. I learned how to throw with my dad because he also tried out for the Major Leagues (Red Sox and Royals), so I always tried to be like him. I grew up an only child, so I learned to throw really high up in the air, and run to catch it, which also helped my legs recoop faster. I also had a baseball pitch-against machine that I played with for hours in between surgeries and casts. I tried not to let them hold me back, and with all the down time, I read books and liked reading this 4th grade math book and getting the concepts in kindergarten. It helped me be smarter and more accepting, so I like giving back to the community as well when my busy college schedule allows me.

J-Money223 karma

That had to have been really painful playing with that, and I bet ice didn't affect it too much. Do you pitch?