Highest Rated Comments

JB523 karma

What are your guidelines for bulking (if you have any)? When bulking, how much above a person's BMR do you recommend one eat to maximize muscle gain? Also, anything you would recommend to aid in digesting all the food I'm eating? I currently supplement with NOW foods superenzymes.

JB522 karma

How did you get over the mindset of having to count every calorie you eat and just be able to enjoy meals out with family and/or friends? I'm bulking now but have a sensitive stomach due to a stomach disease called gastroparesis. This makes me very paranoid to what I eat because if I eat something that doesn't agree with my stomach I feel like crap and can't eat much for the rest of the day if it's breakfast or lunch, or the next one if the meal is dinner. I'd like to be able to just go out to places and not constantly think about how many calories I might be eating and how much I'll have left over for the rest of the day. I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything, just looking to get to a healthy weight and be in good shape and decently strong.

JB522 karma

Hey Matt, how's your diet like outside of eating competitions? It always amazes me how you and other competitive eaters don't balloon up from doing so many challenges. Do you just fast for awhile after a challenge or do insane workouts or what? Keep up the great work man!