Highest Rated Comments

JCollierDavis1301 karma

Context for those of you not familiar:

Guy on show "I thought you were going to be funny."

JS reply "No, I'm not going to be your monkey"

Best part of the whole thing.

JCollierDavis162 karma

I think the response you're looking for is "send photo"

JCollierDavis117 karma

There's no way I'm going to be able to access www.pornthegame.com from work. Have any youtube gameplay videos?

JCollierDavis117 karma

"Yo, Charles the Man! I see you prayin' there."

"Yep, that's me, just keeping it real."

"Here, I got this for you, hold on to it a while, would ya' bud?"

"Uum, what is it?"

"Jesus' foreskin"

"Thanks mate!"

Back in Heaven, Jesus is cleaning out his closet:

"Mom, have you seen my foreskin?"

Angels laughing off stage

JCollierDavis61 karma

What experiment are you testing?