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JMLOddity5 karma

Thanks for doing this AMAA! My question is how many officers have you worked with who often displayed inappropriate conduct, such as racist attitudes or overly violent? Have you known more "good cops" than "bad cops". The stereotype is really popular, but literally every cop I have ever met was polite and genuinely wanted to protect people.

JMLOddity2 karma

I thought I was crazy for so long, too. But you're not crazy. You even have a diagnosis! That's proof you're not crazy. I've been there, and it gets better, I promise you. Best of luck!

JMLOddity1 karma

10th grade was the worst year I've ever had, the only highlight was dating my boyfriend at the end of the year. It was in 10th grade that I did homebound, but it was only for one class. A math teacher would come in two days a week and that's how I took that class. I had half days because for some reason, after about 12, I just can't function anymore, the pain and exhaustion is too much. So, I set it up so I would only have two classes every morning. This did give me enough credits. I was even able to take a lot of art classes. I had to take an online college course, and a biology class at the local community college (I was happy to learn that credit transferred to my current college!) I honestly don't think I would have earned such good grades if I hadn't had those half days. It also helped with my attendance. If I started feeling sicker, I could just say, "I'm going home in an hour, Ill try to stick it through". While the friend who showed concerned was a nice change of pace, it wasn't like we were best friends, I just remember him texting me if I was ok a few times. We had art classes together and that's how we became friends, he was also friends with my boyfriend. I had people who I could always joke with (I always made fun of myself and my disease) I just didn't have anyone who really, really cared. I liked my friends a lot, I just don't think they would be considered friends by other people's standards. I could make them laugh and they could come to me for advice, but I guess I had no social life. The hardest was giving up acting, I had done that since I was 8 and just couldn't do it anymore (I did one last play in 11th). Don't worry about the boyfriend thing. When I started getting worse, my ex bf dumped me out of the blue to date a girl who had bullied me, and then my "best friend". I had more guy friends than girl friends and I never got hit on. I was bullied a lot. I never expected to meet my boyfriend, it was just a twist of fate. And it hasn't always been easy, but it has been worth it. Don't worry about getting a boyfriend. You have a few friends that genuinely care about you, and that's something I wished I'd had. And there are guys out there who are fine dating disabled girls. You're still young and don't stress about it, because I promise it'll happen. I really commend you on your strength, and as hard as it is now, it gets way better. =)

JMLOddity1 karma

I had many teachers like that. I had a health teacher who tried to fail me the day before the end of the semester for not participating in gym for 3 and a half years. I had legal documentation stating he could not do that, so I took it to the vice principal, who opened a can on that teacher, and forced him to correct my grade. After that, he spent a whole class talking about how "many teenagers who are unpopular and have no friends, fake disabilities for attention, and are depressed, etc" Many teachers gave me rough times because doctors could not figure out what was wrong with me, so I didn't have a definitive diagnoses other than narcolepsy. I had teachers say I was faking, say It wasn't that bad, or out right ignore me. Lot of eye rolls in my direction. I had doctors like that as well. At least 8 said everything would be better if I exercised. Turns out, exercising causes severe permanent damage to my body. I had two say I was just depressed. Out of every doctor I saw, I found 3 that have really tried to help me, and they have in many ways. My mom didn't believe me for years, it caused a lot of strain, but she has since apologized and we are better than ever. It was hard to keep up for me as well. My class rank dropped from like #3 to #27! In my senior year I was able to raise it to the top 15, and I was very proud. My problem wasn't necessarily keeping up, but absences. I missed over 60 days of school my sophomore year. Through the rest of high school, I had half days (did wonders!). And I lost pretty much every friend I ever had. We either grew apart or they ended up hating me. I was very isolated. I had one friend who was close, but she moved. I had a friend for many years, but in my senior year, we had a lot of the same art classes, so we became pretty good friends. He was one of the only ones to ever care when I would miss weeks at a time. The only other one was my wonderful boyfriend (2 and a half years together) who was always understanding. But in tenth grade I never once got a text or when id come back after weeks, no one said anything. Combined with teachers, doctors, and family not believing me, I can hardly believe I kept fighting for a diagnoses, because I literally had no one. My boyfriend was the first one who ever believed me and empathized with me. When I started dating him, everything in my life really started to look up. I made a few friends and my family now believes and supports me 100%. I have been diagnosed by a geneticist with EDS, and I'm going a few states over to meet with him on a few weeks, and I am so excited. I am sorry that you have lost friends and dealt with people dismissing your problems. I know how it feels to feel isolated from the world in that way. I've been there, and I have come through it, and am doing fairly well (not physically, but emotionally) so if you ever want to talk to someone who has gone through what you are going though, PM me anytime. I know what you're feeling, and I commend you on your strength in making it this far. Things will look up. =)

JMLOddity1 karma

Hi! I have a disease very similar to yours, symptom-wise, called EDS, along with Narcolepsy. I've had it all my life, but in 10th grade, I got drastically worse, and had to be home schooled for half a year. But, I graduated with a 4.0+ GPA and am attending one of the top schools in my state. I never knew anyone in a similar situation back in high school, and never had anyone to talk to. That was the hardest part for me, along with teachers giving me constant problems. But my life is back on track, and things get better. My question to you is, did you have any teachers give you a rough time at any point in school? Did having a diagnosis and a name for your disability help (I wasn't properly diagnosed yet)? Did you ever lose any friends because you couldn't participate in certain activities with them?