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Jacob6493113 karma

I'm 25 and considering politics in the future and like yourself, I am of a different field, healthcare. You say that you learned so much about politics, but can you elaborate? Politics in general, local issues, state specifics? I'm really just looking for some solid advice on where to start and how to make myself viable down the road. Thanks for your time!

Jacob649312 karma

Link to the right program?

Jacob64933 karma

My paramedic experience tells me that your respiratory tract is lined with very sensitive mucosal membranes. The slightest bit of heated air/smoke/steam is enough to agitate the membranes and swelling begins to occur. Swelling of the lower airways makes it difficult to respirate (exchange O2/CO2 between the body and the environment leading to hypoxia via asphyxiation. From there serious swelling can lead to a mechanical obstruction, think your throat closing, which obviously leads to suffocation and ultimately death. Not much can be done in terms of prevention/treatment, at least prehospitally. This is the major use of RSI, rapid sequence induction, where a personal is chemically paralyzed and sedated to allow a tube to be passed into your airway. Hopefully the tube can secure the airway before it is completely swollen shut.

Feel free to correct any errors/ask any more questions. As a paramedic I like to think rescue airway management is my specialty.

Jacob64933 karma

Best of luck and thanks for your answer!

Jacob64933 karma

How far and how long does Wikileaks intend to push the info on HRC, Podesta and the DNC? Clearly the election is over and the US population has proved in the past that things are easily forgotten. I would argue that there is more than enough evidence for HRC and/or others to go to trial but getting a jury seated is obviously proven very difficult. Does Wikileaks intend to continue pushing out more info, possibly still unseen by the public, to help further bury HRC and the current DNC as we know it?