Highest Rated Comments

JakeGrey474 karma

Who won the game of buzzword bingo the team must have been playing while you wrote the OP?

JakeGrey26 karma

Not OP, but you might be interested to learn that the Industrial Workers of the World actually has a chapter for the unemployed. Not only will this allow you to speak up and vote in meetings, participate in activism and so on, but they also offer at least some legal advice and support if you get screwed over by the welfare office.

JakeGrey4 karma

Are you prepared to endorse a large-scale expansion of nuclear power generation as part of your commitment to reducing pollution?

JakeGrey4 karma

On the other hand, in Europe they would also be hard-pressed to find a marina that wasn't within reasonable biking distance of a town of some sort, and even if it didn't have a proper grocery store there would at least be a bus stop.

JakeGrey3 karma

Is there any kind of licensing or safety certification process you had to go through in order to sail Dotty on certain waterways?