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Jaxper38 karma


Jaxper3 karma

I'm late to the party but hopefully you see this and can answer...

I went to school for comp sci but due to changing positions at work, I'm no longer in the programming space. I miss it and want to get back into it, with my ultimate goal being Android app development (utilities at first and then a game), but I feel like I never have time.

My questions are:

  • How did you balance your full time job and hobbies while moonlighting in game dev? Did anything suffer? Did you have to stop any hobbies altogether?

  • What is the best time management advice you can give to help that?

Thanks! And best of luck with your game!

Jaxper2 karma

What's your biggest regret of your acting career?

Jaxper2 karma

What was the eye-opening experience, if any, that made that transition of how you spent your time easier?

Jaxper1 karma

Has your opinion of America and/or, more specifically, the Army changed at all due to the lack of treatment you received after serving?