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JaydenPope1 karma

I have never heard of this violation of the ($age/2 + 7) rule so it's foreign to me.

I've only heard stories that women seeing their ex getting re-married and having another kid tells them that a) somehow that kid is connected to her and B) give her the right to a increased child support claim. It's a system of nonsense.

JaydenPope1 karma

He's right also divorce and child custody is expensive, very expensive so men see the costs then run away. This is where a lot of women's groups get their information cause it's easier for a woman to gain custody than it is for men. I try telling people to go for it even if they land up in debt cause what's a bit of debt when you have custody of your kid.

Men get custody removed from them easily, a guy lost custody of his child because he refused to take the child to mcdonalds of all places. The child whined to the mother and the mother used that ONE occurrence to get custody removed.

JaydenPope1 karma

Good to hear the nightmare is over my friend but the fight is never over because even tho it's 50/50 she'll be watching you like a hawk for any little fuck up that she can use to sue and change the custody agreement.

I'd have a journal or something to record things around your ex cause the courts are as you've seen very biased against men so she can literally do anything if she's truly a control freak.

JaydenPope1 karma

Hey ron, What was the best character you ever played in a movie ?

JaydenPope1 karma

I just got told about this AMA.

Sorry to hear such things happened, are you or have you already filed charges for such a horrible racial attack ?

Black on white racism and violence really needs to be dealt with.