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JeanVidoq267 karma

If creativity can be improved, whats your favorite individual method for exercising the creative muscle?

JeanVidoq77 karma

I always thought of the 'think of an object (like a paperclip), and then try to think of as many uses for that object as you can' exercise, never thought of actually doing it the way you just suggested, seems way more applied. I guess I do need the practice!, thanks :).

JeanVidoq14 karma

I do belive this is a thing of perspective. I fully agree with OP about their daughter living a full life, a relative of mine has downs, and is still the happiest boy I have ever seen. But I see how some people may have a diferent opinion based on each individuals idea of a 'full life'.

Cheers to you, OP, for raising your child with as much love as you seem to.

JeanVidoq2 karma

From the looks of your answers I asume you live in a rather developed country, or a large city. I'm glad your girl has alternatives, and oportunities aviable for her. I know a few kids who dont have them, and the time passed and they dont talk or use sign language, or sometimes its the parents, and thats the sadest, Im glad you are doing what you can for her.

She will be a success in life with you by her side, that I know.

EDIT: I now know OP lives in California. Hadn't gotten to that comment when I answered this one.

JeanVidoq2 karma

Im not sure they were tying to sugar coate it, at least I didn't see it that way. I belive they were giving an example they are familiar with, in this case, a kid they know. English is not my first language, so maybe I got it wrong.

Though I do see your point, it is true, a disability is a disability, and agree with the overall message, she is as important as every other person.

EDIT: A word