Highest Rated Comments

Jerg49 karma

Alright guys I'll launch right into it:

A lot of serious Diablo II fans will probably agree that they are still looking for a robust HacknSlash that challenges the ARPG throne that D2 has been sitting on for 10+ years.

Torchlight 2 does seem to have such an infrastructure and degree of depth needed for that, however it lacks the "closed official vanilla server mode" likening to the Diablo II closed Battle.net mode.

I know you guys mentioned in numerous occasions that this was decided against because 1) it conflicts with the mod-happy nature of the game, and 2) it requires quite a bit of financial and manpower effort. However, I really think open client-side save online/offline game modes can harmoniously exist with closed server-side online-only mode. Look at Diablo 2, or Dungeon Defenders - they stay popular with insane longevity because people can choose between the two types of modes. As for 2), there is no doubt that TL2 will be a huge success, so on a long enough timeline this is a null issue.

So all in all, will you guys seriously consider adding this mode down the line? IMO it will be by far the biggest and most impactful addition onto the game in terms of longevity and popularity. Also, it'll save you guys the fuss of worrying about making an MMO.

Thank you!


Jerg14 karma

Hey Tarn, a question for some audiophile DF players: is it possible for you to properly studio-record the main theme music of DF?

It is a brilliant piece of music and it's quite a shame that currently it only exists in sub-100kbps bitrate lossy format with a massive static background.

Jerg4 karma

Don't forget your roots, brah. Don't pull a Notch.