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Jesus-Blew-Me1493 karma

What the fuck is happening here? "Ulterior motives" aside, it doesn't fucking matter. No one does anything without ulterior motives. Even if he went there, without religion, and did the same fucking thing, his ulterior motive would be self gratification/satisfaction. While yeah, he's doing it for them, he's also doing it for him. The same way celebrities do it for publicity, or corporations for the same reason, or the current shit between Russia and the U.S.

No one is attacking your stupid oversensitivity to anything that you don't currently embrace but you morons seem to want to find it where ever you go. You're the most hypocritical bunch of ball busting losers.

Since when did the fucking retards from /r/atheism start spilling over into other subreddits? There's a reason you morons aren't a default subreddit anymore. Go back to your hole and circle jerk each other.

Good job OP. You did a good thing, regardless of why you did it. Don't worry about these morons. It doesn't matter WHY you did it, just that you did it. That's all that matters.

Edit: Thanks for the gold, but ignoring these assholes is all that's needed. Never let someone else belittle what makes you feel accomplished. Fuck them, do what you need to do to be happy.

Jesus-Blew-Me33 karma

Nestle, lol.

Jesus-Blew-Me1 karma

But they're more inclined to do so if they're made familiar that there ARE terms and conditions and they're made clear, instead of saying "Don't worry, you're qualified." Not saying you in particular do that, but too many times... So many times... lol

It just baffled me. Mind you, those rebates were rigged right from the start. The system is designed to boot out qualified rebates with generic error codes in hopes that the customer will just write it off. It pisses me off to think just how many customers did just that! I don't know if you remember the Valentine's Day rebate two years ago... What a train wreck, and all because the "Processing system" was absolutely retarded and most were denied for no reason whatsoever.

The best part about that job? I never had to sign a confidentiality waiver so I can say whatever I want about the parent company (Young America) and their processes.

But T-Mobile was just as bad. I remember someone coming in to assess the center and it's operations from "head office". He sat next to me, listened to a few calls where customers were complaining about misinformation, and shrugged it off, even though I showed him their rebates were booted out for no reason. I ended up paying out $1500 rebates around last Christmas even though they weren't qualified for SGS4 rebates @ $300 a phone. Some people bought 5... a lot of people bought 5... It was just insane.

I don't miss T-Mobile or YA, but good on you for sticking it out and enjoying it!

Jesus-Blew-Me1 karma

It would help if the indian centers weren't transferring customers to us whenever they even hint at a rebate. Commonly enough, we were about 187 in queue at all times. To the point where they had to purposely shut down the IVR and boot customers out.

Jesus-Blew-Me0 karma

This AMA is probably over but I figured I may as well ask anyway because I've always been curious...

Now you've been in retail sales for over 5 years and I have to ask: Do your managers purposely not train retail associates on how to handle rebates? I used to work for Rebate Care for T-Mobile and countless times I've had customers call in claiming they were told they were getting a rebate for a phone where a rebate does exist, but they were given a form anyway. Is this seriously common practice?

Another question as well: When Sales associated fill out the form for customers, A)Do they know they legally cannot do that? and B)Why do they (in most cases) at least not tell the customers the terms and conditions? Again, countless times I've had customers complain about being unfamiliar with the "Unlimited rate plan" requirements.

I've reported over 200 sales associates to corporate (after they allowed us a system to provide the store number, the associates name, and the time it happened) and I've always hated doing it, but I hated misinformation even more.