Highest Rated Comments

JimFrog3 karma

Do you use Sidewinders or Cranes or both, or something new to move cars - can you lift a propane tank or do you need to pump it off even if it is not hurt... how do you handle HazMat - do you have your own personnel, or do you use an out side source, or do you use the Railroads HazMat team if they have one... have you ever had to patch or flare a gas car... or patch a HazMat tank car in order to move it to a safe location to off load... is your company throughout the USA, Canada or Mexico... Have you been to the Bureau of Explosives School on HazMat in Pueblo, Colorado for training...

JimFrog1 karma

First I want to thank you for the Getty and the fine work you folks have done... I have wondered over the years if you have thought about having satellite museums around California, say in Balboa Park, Fresno, Golden Gate Park and Redding, in which objects of art of not only your collection, but from around the world, including the Smithsonian, could be rotated through every nine months to a year... it would bring not only art, but science from all over to the less fortunate in California... Thank you again Jim