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JonasThiel231 karma

I've heard you say that you believe we should create an economy "that doesn't distribute wealth unequally in the first place." Since you are also a proponent of worker co-ops, I wanted to know how to combine those two Ideas. In an economy that is dominated by cooperatives, people working for more profitable companies would still make more money than people working at smaller ones, right? I'm a fan of both those Ideas and I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this.

JonasThiel55 karma

Dude. I don't know if you're an ML or something so I don't want to tread on your feat, but socialism defined as worker control of the means of production is literally worker co-ops. Socialism is a mode of production, not some abstract socio-economic system.

JonasThiel9 karma

That's kind of what I was getting at with my question...

JonasThiel3 karma

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I guess I didn't really think of the kind of decisions people could make in-enterprise.

JonasThiel2 karma

No. The central planning vs. markets discussion never had anything to do with socialism. That was not what socialism meant originally. The Idea that socialism means a planned economy really only became a thing after the Russian revolution when people started equating socialism with the soviet union.

As I said socialism is a mode of production. It describes the relationship of workers to the means of production. An economy can be state run and still be capitalists (and the opposite can be true as well). Actually professor Wolff recently dedicated a podcast episode to this topic. You might want to give it a watch: https://youtu.be/p7x7oVwhHok