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JonathanHoeflich3 karma

What do you feel is the biggest threat to the survival of hellbenders? Siltation, climate change, agricultural, pollution, habitat loss, and human ignorance are all contributing factors but what do you feel is the worst? I'm also curious about your thoughts on the use of nesting boxes in relation to human curiosity (if people see them will they leave them alone or do they open up an easy way for people to potentially harass the animals?) as well as survival rates of reintroduced animals bred in captivity vs those bred in the wild. Also as much as their numbers have declined do you feel there is hope for their populations to stabilize or even rebound through increased conservation efforts or has to much damage been done?

JonathanHoeflich3 karma

I'm curious about this as well lol!

JonathanHoeflich2 karma

I have two questions about mudpuppies for you. First I've read that in streams that hellbenders are on the decline mudpuppies are becoming more common because of their tolerance for lower oxygen and less competition. Have you found this to be true? Second I know that in the great lakes (lake Erie specifically) mudpuppies gather in large numbers during the winter months for the purpose of breeding. I've never heard of this though in rivers and smaller streams. Do they still congregate only in smaller numbers do to a smaller enviroment so these gatherings go unnoticed or do mudpuppies in these smaller systems employ a different strategy?

JonathanHoeflich1 karma

Thank you! I've got in a few debates over the use of nest boxes. I personally think they are a great solution for streams effected by siltation and a good way for captive rearing projects to safely collect eggs. I have however talked to many that beleive them to be an open invitation for collectors and the ignorant to do them harm. I'd also like to thank you for being the only person I've talked to researching these animals that has a positive outlook for the future of the species. The few others I've asked that question and most information available about these animals are very doom and gloom when it comes to that topic.